Image By: Shyralei - Nails Featured: Paper Lantern
Genre this round has headed to Eastern Asia for inspiration. This one was a little tougher for me but I think I came out with something that fits the theme fairly well with kind of a mix of Chinese paper lanterns with Japanese inspired cherry blossom print. A mix of Asian cultures if you will.

You can grab these nails for 25% off at Genre until next month. Also I have 2 other fatpacks there 30% off so enjoy savings on sets you may have missed before.

Thanks to Shyralei for the fantastic imagery above. She is one of the newest Elite Bloggers on the Dark Passions Elite Team.

Event: Genre
Dates: June 15 - July 11, 2017
Theme: Eastern Asia
Discount: 25% Off

To The Event

.... And Yes... I needed a little Bowie moment too....

"China Girl" 1983 from David Bowie on Vimeo.